Traditional Asian MedicineTraditional Asian Medicine looks at disease as originating from within the body, creating disharmony on the inside. Techniques include acupuncture, moxabustion, cupping, electroacupuncture and Chinese Herbs. Over 2000 years old, Traditional Asian Medicine has its' own unique medical model in terms of diagnosis and viewing the body. Based on the concept of ‘qi’ or ‘vital energy’ circulating in pathways throughout the body, any blockages in these pathways disrupt the flow of qi leading to imbalance and undesirable symptoms. By using acupuncture and other modalities, we can correct imbalance to restore a state of health.
Botanical Medicine uses various forms of herbs and plants as medicine. Botanicals can be quite powerful and practitioners are trained in their safety, interactions and side effects. Even herbs and spices used in cooking yield valuable nutrition and medicinal compounds. The flower, roots, leaves, bark, or oils of a plant may be used to treat infections, to support the immune system, to balance hormones and regulate physiology. Therapy may take the form of teas, tinctures, ointments, essential oils, supplements and foods.
Note: Even herbs can have potential side effects or interactions with conventional medications or may not be safe to take during pregnancy, Additionally, essential oils can be misused and dangerous if taken improperly. I am qualified to recognize these contraindications and herbs should be prescribed under professional supervision. |
This includes the following:
Bowen Therapy: Specific series of muscle and connective tissue movements designed to treat a wide range of problems and injuries. These gentle and powerful moves send neurological impulses to the brain which then processes and feeds impulses back to help realign the body. Naturopathic manipulations: cervical, thoracic and lumbar adjustments. I typically refer out for this therapy. Hydrotherapy: We often forget about the healing power of such a basic element but the use of water is great for pain relief and boosting immunity by stimulating blood circulation. Some examples include constitutional hydrotherapy, steam inhalation (pictured to the right), immersions, compresses and poultices. |